'Churning of the milky ocean'
'Bellerophon: stone bas-relief'
'Hausa decorated building'
'Relief from Tomb of Ti'
'horse and rider low relief from Horemheb's tomb'
High relief- a relief in which forms and figures stand out from the background to half or more than half of their natural depth
"Arch of Emperor Septimius Severus" by Unknown
'Chola High Relief Sculpture of Shiva'
'Castle of Saint Peter in Bodrum: Architectural Fragment With High-relief Decoration'
'An Antiquity of Imagination' Tullio Lombardo
'panel on the Municipal Center Building of the District of Columbia'
Primary Contours- the shape of the outermost extremity of a form
Alexander Calder - wire sculpture
Elizabeth Berrian
'recycled steel horse sculpture' Holly Fisher
Line of Speed and Vortex
'Air Head' Larry Algaier
Secondary Contours- the form can be made to create its own shadows, which are than a part of its aesthetic as well as sculptural form
'Horse Sculpture' Jordan Askill
'Non-Violence' Karl Fredrik Reutersward
'The Thinker' Auguste Rodin
'Shark 6' Yon Ho Ji
'Wild Dog 6' Yon Ho Ji
Volume- mass or the representation of mass in art or architecture
'What Have We Become? Vol. 1' Nicholas Galanin
'Fat Car' Erwin Wurm
'Endoskeleton' Jacqueline Rush Lee
World sculpture at United Nations headquarters
"Sphere within Sphere" by Arnaldo Pomodoro
Activated Space-
'LAVA' Peter Murphy
'Timelapse' Peter Murphy
(from the Ernst & Young building in Los Angeles)
'Cloud Gate' Anish Kapoor
'Rauru's Cusp'Peter Murphy
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